The following outcome variables apply to CRC screening performed with any of the currently available
primary screening tests.
Follow-up colonoscopy
Participants in the group on which diagnostic or therapeutic colonoscopy4
has been performed to follow-up
primary screening according to programme policy include participants, the screening endoscopy
of which was inadequate or incomplete. Note that each person is counted once regardless of
the number of follow-up colonoscopies that were performed. Where more than one colonoscopy or
other follow-up investigation is performed, the reported result should be that of the complete diagnostic
or therapeutic work-up.
Any lesion removed or biopsied at endoscopy or surgery (whether or not they were diagnosed as adenomas)
should be recorded.
Pathological specimens removed at endoscopy or surgery that have been reported by a pathologist to
be adenomatous should be recorded.
Advanced adenoma
If it is not possible to collect such details for organisational reasons, the programme should at least
focus on collecting and reporting data on adenomas 10 mm in size
Colorectal cancer diagnosed by the screening programme, or diagnosed as a direct result of participating
in the screening programme
List of recommended data tables to be produced by CRC screening programmes
1. Targeted
2. Eligible
3. Invited
4. Screened/tested at first screening and at subsequent screening episodes
5. Inadequate tests
6. Positive test or screening
7. Follow-up colonoscopy examination attended (diagnostic assessment and/or treatment)
8. Negative follow-up colonoscopy examination (diagnostic assessment and/or treatment)
9. Positive follow-up colonoscopy examination (diagnostic assessment and/or treatment)
10. Lesion detected (at least one)
11. Adenoma detected (at least one)
12. Non-advanced adenoma detected (at least one)
13. Advanced/high-risk adenoma detected (at least one)
14. Cancer detected by stage
Early performance indicators
Several rounds of screening are required before the impact of a screening programme on CRC mortality
in the target population can be measured. Early performance indicators using standard definitions
must therefore be used early in the lifetime of a screening programme to measure the quality of the
screening process and to assess its potential longer-term impact. The accumulating experience in piloting
and implementing population-based screening programmes provides an evidence base that can
be used to establish and refine standards and set performance targets.
Factors affecting performance indicators
Coverage and uptake, i.e. participation, are organisational parameters that apply to CRC screening
programmes using any kind of primary screening test. They have a substantial impact on the potential
effectiveness of any screening programme because they reflect the degree to which the population is
exposed to the screening intervention. Coverage and uptake in turn will be affected by the age and
gender distribution of the target population due to differential uptake rates. Screening performance
indicators will be affected by the age and gender distribution of the population screened due to variation
in underlying incidence of disease.
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