Evaluation and interpretation of screening outcomes are essential to recognising whether a colorectal
cancer screening programme is achieving the goals for which it has been established. It is recognised
that the context and logistics of screening programmes will differ by country and even by region. For
example, the prior existence of a population register facilitates issuing personalised invitations,
whereas the absence of such a register may lead to recruitment by open invitation. Many of these
contextual differences will affect the measured outcomes.
The effectiveness of a programme is a function of the quality of its individual components. Success of
the programme is measured not only by its impact on public health, but also by its organisation, implementation,
and acceptability.
To determine whether a programme has been effective with regard to its impact on morbidity and
mortality requires continuous follow-up of the target population over an extended time-frame. Therefore
early-performance indicators using standard definitions, available early in the lifetime of a screening
programme are essential to measure the quality of the programme and its potential longer-term
A key component in the evaluation of population screening programmes is data collection. Colorectal
cancer screening can be performed using various tests or techniques. Data collection necessary for
evaluation can be common to all tests or specific to particular tests. The examples given in these
Guidelines refer to in vitro stool tests based on detection of faecal occult blood (FOBT) that are currently
the most widely used, and to endoscopic tests i.e. flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) or colonoscopy
(CS). In the text, gFOBT refers to guaiac-based FOBTs, and iFOBT to immunological FOBTs.
It should be noted that in a setting where opportunistic screening (for example by colonoscopy) has
been taking place for some time, the uptake and performance of an organised programme may differ
markedly from those in a setting where no such screening has been taking place. The majority of the
values of the indicators described below will relate to the latter setting.
Data items necessary for evaluation
Programme conditions
Programme type
As mentioned above, the organisational aspects of a screening programme influence the evaluation
and interpretation of screening outcomes. Population-based programmes are recommended because
they require an infrastructure that is conducive to implementation of quality assurance and evaluation,
such as through linkage of screening data and cancer registry data (Karsa et al. 2010). It is therefore
important to document the type of programme (population-based or non-population-based) and to
describe the sources of population data used for identification and invitation of the eligible target
population (e.g. population registry). Data on screening outcomes should be linked with data from
other registries in order to monitor and evaluate the programme.
Primary screening test
Currently only the faecal occult blood test (FOBT) is recommended by the EU for CRC screening.
However endoscopic screening programmes with flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) or colonoscopy (CS) as
primary screening tests are currently running in a number of Member States. Given the potential impact
of the type of primary screening test or tests used in a programme on the respective results and
performance, the type of primary screening test should always be indicated when documenting results
and reporting.
Population base
A screening programme is population based when every member of the target population in the area
designated to be served by the programme is known to the programme, and when the eligible members
of the target population are individually invited to participate.
The availability and reliability of target population data will depend on the existence, quality and accessibility
of population registers in the region where the programme is being set up. Population registers
are not always available and demographic data for identifying the target population might be obtained
from various sources, e.g. census data, electoral registers, private or statutory health care registers
or health insurance funds registers. The choice of the target population database for issuing
invitations will depend on the completeness of the database and on the individuals or variables included,
e.g. electoral registers might not include eligible foreigners or dates of birth.
A database consisting of individual records (one record per person for each screening episode) is essential
in order to produce results on organisational aspects of the programme (coverage, participation)
and screening performance. The data collected should respect a logical order and follow the development
of the screening process (identification of person [date of birth, gender], date of invitation,
date of reminder, date of test, test results, date of the examination performed during assessment,
results, colonoscopy date, results, adverse effects, treatment). The location in the bowel of any detected
lesions or cancers (Tumour site) should also be recorded [Rectum, sigmoid, descending colon
(distal colon) transverse colon, splenic flexure, ascending colon].
Each variable should be precisely defined. All data collected for each round should be kept and updated
information should not overwrite data provided during preceding rounds. All information on the timing of events during each screening episode, including invitation history, should be recorded as
calendar dates. This ensures maximal flexibility of the database for future evaluation efforts and participation
in multi-centre studies. It also permits distinguishing between the first and subsequent
screening episodes and between participants with different patterns of attendance
Self registrations
Self registrations are defined as eligible residents of the designated area served by the programme,
who request screening but who are not identified by the target population register used to generate
invitations. Their number should be reported separately.
Self referrals
Self referrals are defined as people requesting screening before receipt of an invitation or outside the
invited age-range. They should not be included in coverage by invitation, or in participation rate if in
the relevant age range, but their number should be reported separately.
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