Wednesday, 8 March 2017


We perform colonoscopy and upper GI endoscopy at Glens Falls Hospital, Saratoga Hospital, and Northern GI Endoscopy located at Five Irongate Center, Glens Falls. Please read the following instructions pertaining to the appropriate location of your procedure

Glens Falls Hospital: The Glens Falls scheduling staff will be calling to pre-register you. If you have not been contacted within 10 days of your scheduled appointment please call 926-5327. You will need to complete the Glens Falls Hospital Pre-Admission History and Physical form and bring it with you to the GI Center on the day of your procedure. You can print out this form by going into patient forms and click on Glens Falls Hospital Admission History and Physical. On the day of your exam, please report directly to the GI Center 45 minutes prior to the time of your exam, located past the emergency room entrance on the left (east) side of the hospital around to the back of the hospital. The parking lot for the GI Center is located on the back (south) side of the hospital immediately adjacent to the entrance of the GI Center. 

Saratoga Hospital: Please call the Registration Desk at 587-3222 on any weekday before your scheduled exam to pre-register. On the day of your exam, please report directly to the 2nd floor Day Surgery/Endoscopy area one hour prior to your appointment. Enter to the right side of the hospital (ground level, Same Day Surgery, Ambulatory entrance). 

Northern GI Endoscopy: You will be contacted by a staff member of Northern G.I. Endoscopy prior to your procedure to confirm your appointment and answer any questions that you may have. You will need to complete the Northern GI Endoscopy Pre-Admission History form and bring it with you to Northern GI Endoscopy on the day of your procedure. You can print out this form by going into patient forms and click on Northern GI Endoscopy Pre-Admission History Form. On the day of your exam, please report to Northern G.I. Endoscopy, located directly behind our office at 5 Irongate Center in Glens Falls, one hour prior to the time of your exam. There are designated parking spaces for Northern GI patients along the side of the building, near the Pine Street entrance.

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