Friday, 24 February 2017

Medical Billing CPT Codes

40490 Biopsy of lip $132.53
40500 Partial excision of lip $750.15
40510 Partial excision of lip $835.55
40520 Partial excision of lip $870.14
40525 Reconstruct lip with flap $1,066.22
40527 Reconstruct lip with flap $1,255.44
40530 Partial removal of lip $874.38
40650 Repair lip $665.87
40652 Repair lip $781.00
40654 Repair lip $908.62
40700 Repair cleft lip/nasal $1,646.75
40701 Repair cleft lip/nasal $2,050.06
40702 Repair cleft lip/nasal $1,597.24
40720 Repair cleft lip/nasal $1,787.43
40761 Repair cleft lip/nasal $1,900.95
40799 Lip surgery procedure $0.00
40800 Drainage of mouth lesion $190.94
40801 Drainage of mouth lesion $381.87
40804 Removal, foreign body, mouth $190.94
40805 Removal, foreign body, mouth $381.87
40806 Incision of lip fold $118.16
40808 Biopsy of mouth lesion $188.86
40810 Excision of mouth lesion $170.80
40812 Excise/repair mouth lesion $261.99
40814 Excise/repair mouth lesion $496.92
40816 Excision of mouth lesion $622.68
40818 Excise oral mucosa for graft $496.92
40819 Excise lip or cheek fold $383.35
40820 Treatment of mouth lesion $170.53
40830 Repair mouth laceration $209.17
40831 Repair mouth laceration $305.99
40840 Reconstruction of mouth $1,274.46
40842 Reconstruction of mouth $1,275.52
40843 Reconstruction of mouth $1,685.09
40844 Reconstruction of mouth $2,213.08
40845 Reconstruction of mouth $2,535.10
40899 Mouth surgery procedure $0.00
41000 Drainage of mouth lesion $190.94
41005 Drainage of mouth lesion $190.94
41006 Drainage of mouth lesion $332.28
41007 Drainage of mouth lesion $316.30
41008 Drainage of mouth lesion $343.64
41009 Drainage of mouth lesion $367.34
41010 Incision of tongue fold $319.78
41015 Drainage of mouth lesion $405.60
41016 Drainage of mouth lesion $414.04
41017 Drainage of mouth lesion $411.35
41018 Drainage of mouth lesion $476.29
41100 Biopsy of tongue $181.71
41105 Biopsy of tongue $248.01
41108 Biopsy of floor of mouth $172.20
41110 Excision of tongue lesion $174.43
41112 Excision of tongue lesion $343.56
41113 Excision of tongue lesion $343.56
41114 Excision of tongue lesion $1,241.92
41115 Excision of tongue fold $222.94
41116 Excision of mouth lesion $479.95
41120 Partial removal of tongue $1,279.50
41130 Partial removal of tongue $1,440.31
41135 Tongue and neck surgery $2,811.60
41140 Removal of tongue $3,083.39
41145 Tongue removal, neck surgery $3,648.60
41150 Tongue, mouth, jaw surgery $2,853.65
41153 Tongue, mouth, neck surgery $2,941.49
41155 Tongue, jaw, & neck surgery $3,389.25
41250 Repair tongue laceration $267.65
41251 Repair tongue laceration $381.87
41252 Repair tongue laceration $517.80
41500 Fixation of tongue $536.85
41510 Tongue to lip surgery $478.02
41520 Reconstruction, tongue fold $491.97
41599 Tongue and mouth surgery $0.00
41800 Drainage of gum lesion $229.27
41805 Removal foreign body, gum $190.94
41806 Removal foreign body,jawbone $275.62
41820 Excision, gum, each quadrant $763.74
41821 Excision of gum flap $152.60
41822 Excision of gum lesion $278.42
41823 Excision of gum lesion $496.92
41825 Excision of gum lesion $196.25
41826 Excision of gum lesion $266.86
41827 Excision of gum lesion $496.92
41828 Excision of gum lesion $381.87
41830 Removal of gum tissue $381.87
41850 Treatment of gum lesion $114.22
41870 Gum graft $515.66
41872 Repair gum $519.72
41874 Repair tooth socket $554.06
41899 Dental surgery procedure $0.00
42000 Drainage mouth roof lesion $190.94
42100 Biopsy roof of mouth $166.71
42104 Excision lesion, mouth roof $190.94
42106 Excision lesion, mouth roof $343.56
42107 Excision lesion, mouth roof $762.10
42120 Remove palate/lesion $860.97
42140 Excision of uvula $248.01
42145 Repair palate, pharynx/uvula $1,078.79
42160 Treatment mouth roof lesion $232.24
42180 Repair palate $305.99
42182 Repair palate $572.80
42200 Reconstruct cleft palate $1,555.05
42205 Reconstruct cleft palate $1,668.62
42210 Reconstruct cleft palate $1,857.01
42215 Reconstruct cleft palate $1,217.46
42220 Reconstruct cleft palate $928.58
42225 Reconstruct cleft palate $1,269.89
42226 Lengthening of palate $1,318.70
42227 Lengthening of palate $1,244.31
42235 Repair palate $975.51
42260 Repair nose to lip fistula $1,146.45
42280 Preparation, palate mold $154.50
42281 Insertion, palate prosthesis $210.60
42299 Palate/uvula surgery $0.00
42300 Drainage of salivary gland $353.40
42305 Drainage of salivary gland $745.00
42310 Drainage of salivary gland $282.06
42320 Drainage of salivary gland $425.04
42325 Create salivary cyst drain $273.77
42326 Create salivary cyst drain $364.89
42330 Removal of salivary stone $239.25
42335 Removal of salivary stone $525.29
42340 Removal of salivary stone $710.70
42400 Biopsy of salivary gland $181.13
42405 Biopsy of salivary gland $515.66
42408 Excision of salivary cyst $700.02
42409 Drainage of salivary cyst $462.48
42410 Excise parotid gland/lesion $1,185.76
42415 Excise parotid gland/lesion $2,086.37
42420 Excise parotid gland/lesion $2,399.84
42425 Excise parotid gland/lesion $1,635.69
42426 Excise parotid gland/lesion $2,574.78
42440 Excise submaxillary gland $889.37
42450 Excise sublingual gland $748.00
42500 Repair salivary duct $708.62
42505 Repair salivary duct $953.98
42507 Parotid duct diversion $840.96
42508 Parotid duct diversion $1,188.51
42509 Parotid duct diversion $1,491.39
42510 Parotid duct diversion $1,052.18
42550 Injection for salivary x-ray $596.54
42600 Closure of salivary fistula $774.64
42650 Dilation of salivary duct $95.48
42660 Dilation of salivary duct $114.22
42665 Ligation of salivary duct $305.99
42699 Salivary surgery procedure $0.00
42700 Drainage of tonsil abscess $314.42
42720 Drainage of throat abscess $496.92
42725 Drainage of throat abscess $1,241.92
42800 Biopsy of throat $172.20
42802 Biopsy of throat $286.41
42804 Biopsy of upper nose/throat $221.82
42806 Biopsy of upper nose/throat $243.46
42808 Excise pharynx lesion $397.20
42809 Remove pharynx foreign body $248.01
42810 Excision of neck cyst $586.21
42815 Excision of neck cyst $922.31
42820 Remove tonsils and adenoids $541.80
42821 Remove tonsils and adenoids $585.32
42825 Removal of tonsils $493.16
42826 Removal of tonsils $482.26
42830 Removal of adenoids $379.84
42831 Removal of adenoids $407.16
42835 Removal of adenoids $359.34
42836 Removal of adenoids $462.91
42842 Extensive surgery of throat $1,142.82
42844 Extensive surgery of throat $1,800.51
42845 Extensive surgery of throat $2,992.70
42860 Excision of tonsil tags $349.92
42870 Excision of lingual tonsil $748.06
42890 Partial removal of pharynx $1,645.56
42892 Revision of pharyngeal walls $1,977.34
42894 Revision of pharyngeal walls $2,811.76
42900 Repair throat wound $662.15
42950 Reconstruction of throat $1,082.52
42953 Repair throat, esophagus $1,216.94
42955 Surgical opening of throat $961.33
42960 Control throat bleeding $318.89
42961 Control throat bleeding $460.24
42962 Control throat bleeding $687.86
42970 Control nose/throat bleeding $630.71
42971 Control nose/throat bleeding $745.00
42972 Control nose/throat bleeding $917.13
42999 Throat surgery procedure $0.00
43020 Incision of esophagus $1,024.61
43030 Throat muscle surgery $998.89
43045 Incision of esophagus $2,329.82
43100 Excision of esophagus lesion $1,149.77
43101 Excision of esophagus lesion $1,832.62
43107 Removal of esophagus $4,298.68
43108 Removal of esophagus $3,690.25
43112 Removal of esophagus $4,650.80
43113 Removal of esophagus $3,855.49
43116 Partial removal of esophagus $3,593.30
43117 Partial removal of esophagus $4,255.26
43118 Partial removal of esophagus $3,577.46
43121 Partial removal of esophagus $3,196.85
43122 Partial removal of esophagus $4,252.90
43123 Partial removal of esophagus $3,615.60
43124 Removal of esophagus $3,065.22
43130 Removal of esophagus pouch $1,444.45
43135 Removal of esophagus pouch $1,839.02
43200 Esophagus endoscopy $399.28
43201 Esoph scope w/submucous inj $484.46
43202 Esophagus endoscopy, biopsy $516.35
43204 Esoph scope w/sclerosis inj $394.35
43205 Esophagus endoscopy/ligation $396.19
43215 Esophagus endoscopy $285.35
43216 Esophagus endoscopy/lesion $266.63
43217 Esophagus endoscopy $691.25
43219 Esophagus endoscopy $309.93
43220 Esoph endoscopy, dilation $229.78
43226 Esoph endoscopy, dilation $252.52
43227 Esoph endoscopy, repair $376.83
43228 Esoph endoscopy, ablation $399.84
43231 Esoph endoscopy w/us exam $338.01
43232 Esoph endoscopy w/us fn bx $471.11
43234 Upper GI endoscopy, exam $514.29
43235 Uppr gi endoscopy, diagnosis $530.96
43236 Uppr gi scope w/submuc inj $659.01
43237 Endoscopic us exam, esoph $401.44
43238 Uppr gi endoscopy w/us fn bx $477.35
43239 Upper GI endoscopy, biopsy $604.33
43240 Esoph endoscope w/drain cyst $708.71
43241 Upper GI endoscopy with tube $277.72
43242 Uppr gi endoscopy w/us fn bx $748.53
43243 Upper gi endoscopy & inject $475.77
43244 Upper GI endoscopy/ligation $523.32
43245 Uppr gi scope dilate strictr $337.27
43246 Place gastrostomy tube $452.33
43247 Operative upper GI endoscopy $357.37
43248 Uppr gi endoscopy/guide wire $334.34
43249 Esoph endoscopy, dilation $308.79
43250 Upper GI endoscopy/tumor $339.10
43251 Operative upper GI endoscopy $388.77
43255 Operative upper GI endoscopy $499.60
43256 Uppr gi endoscopy w stent $455.55
43258 Operative upper GI endoscopy $474.96
43259 Endoscopic ultrasound exam $537.27
43260 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $614.67
43261 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $646.08
43262 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $758.62
43263 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $746.69
43264 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $911.30
43265 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $1,021.04
43267 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $757.93
43268 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $764.82
43269 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $837.42
43271 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $757.93
43272 Endo cholangiopancreatograph $758.62
43280 Laparoscopy, fundoplasty $1,863.24
43289 Laparoscope proc, esoph $0.00
43300 Repair of esophagus $1,165.30
43305 Repair esophagus and fistula $2,094.77
43310 Repair of esophagus $2,792.30
43312 Repair esophagus and fistula $3,085.32
43313 Esophagoplasty congenital $4,987.88
43314 Tracheo-esophagoplasty cong $5,494.69
43320 Fuse esophagus & stomach $2,190.08
43324 Revise esophagus & stomach $2,212.03
43325 Revise esophagus & stomach $2,172.58
43326 Revise esophagus & stomach $2,190.99
43330 Repair of esophagus $2,128.23
43331 Repair of esophagus $2,257.62
43340 Fuse esophagus & intestine $2,147.26
43341 Fuse esophagus & intestine $2,335.79
43350 Surgical opening, esophagus $1,809.74
43351 Surgical opening, esophagus $2,108.60
43352 Surgical opening, esophagus $1,772.61
43360 Gastrointestinal repair $3,829.31
43361 Gastrointestinal repair $4,334.60
43400 Ligate esophagus veins $2,270.91
43401 Esophagus surgery for veins $2,377.17
43405 Ligate/staple esophagus $2,221.86
43410 Repair esophagus wound $1,581.48
43415 Repair esophagus wound $2,755.83
43420 Repair esophagus opening $1,620.74
43425 Repair esophagus opening $2,342.71
43450 Dilate esophagus $279.30
43453 Dilate esophagus $525.85
43456 Dilate esophagus $763.74
43458 Dilate esophagus $686.67
43460 Pressure treatment esophagus $394.17
43496 Free jejunum flap, microvasc $9,551.73
43499 Esophagus surgery procedure $0.00
43500 Surgical opening of stomach $1,202.53
43501 Surgical repair of stomach $2,133.93
43502 Surgical repair of stomach $2,455.50
43510 Surgical opening of stomach $1,466.34
43520 Incision of pyloric muscle $1,144.78
43600 Biopsy of stomach $218.00
43605 Biopsy of stomach $1,297.78
43610 Excision of stomach lesion $1,562.59
43611 Excision of stomach lesion $1,910.81
43620 Removal of stomach $3,151.35
43621 Removal of stomach $3,219.04
43622 Removal of stomach $3,399.57
43631 Removal of stomach, partial $2,401.04
43632 Removal of stomach, partial $2,401.38
43633 Removal of stomach, partial $2,452.53
43634 Removal of stomach, partial $2,661.13
43635 Removal of stomach, partial $210.59
43638 Removal of stomach, partial $3,077.20
43639 Removal of stomach, partial $3,115.05
43640 Vagotomy & pylorus repair $1,833.71
43641 Vagotomy & pylorus repair $1,860.98
43651 Laparoscopy, vagus nerve $1,129.44
43652 Laparoscopy, vagus nerve $1,329.35
43653 Laparoscopy, gastrostomy $899.26
43659 Laparoscope proc, stom $0.00
43750 Place gastrostomy tube $535.53
43752 Nasal/orogastric w/stent $69.37
43760 Change gastrostomy tube $198.49
43761 Reposition gastrostomy tube $208.60
43800 Reconstruction of pylorus $1,473.99
43810 Fusion of stomach and bowel $1,567.02
43820 Fusion of stomach and bowel $1,639.01
43825 Fusion of stomach and bowel $2,049.98
43830 Place gastrostomy tube $1,075.34
43831 Place gastrostomy tube $930.87
43832 Place gastrostomy tube $1,685.11
43840 Repair of stomach lesion $1,679.02
43842 Gastroplasty for obesity $2,000.51
43843 Gastroplasty for obesity $2,012.92
43846 Gastric bypass for obesity $2,587.81
43847 Gastric bypass for obesity $2,875.07
43848 Revision gastroplasty $3,133.83
43850 Revise stomach-bowel fusion $2,604.10
43855 Revise stomach-bowel fusion $2,748.12
43860 Revise stomach-bowel fusion $2,638.43
43865 Revise stomach-bowel fusion $2,793.22
43870 Repair stomach opening $1,065.60
43880 Repair stomach-bowel fistula $2,604.39
43999 Stomach surgery procedure $0.00
44005 Freeing of bowel adhesion $1,734.18
44010 Incision of small bowel $1,355.64
44015 Insert needle cath bowel $267.21
44020 Explore small intestine $1,504.63
44021 Decompress small bowel $1,513.08
44025 Incision of large bowel $1,532.83
44050 Reduce bowel obstruction $1,506.94
44055 Correct malrotation of bowel $2,299.61
44100 Biopsy of bowel $230.63
44110 Excise intestine lesion(s) $1,284.73
44111 Excision of bowel lesion(s) $1,540.80
44120 Removal of small intestine $1,817.77
44121 Removal of small intestine $455.75
44125 Removal of small intestine $1,872.55
44126 Enterectomy w/o taper, cong $3,636.88
44127 Enterectomy w/taper, cong $4,161.13
44128 Enterectomy cong, add-on $456.09
44130 Bowel to bowel fusion $1,562.27
44132 Enterectomy, cadaver donor $0.00
44133 Enterectomy, live donor $0.00
44135 Intestine transplnt, cadaver No Data
44136 Intestine transplant, live $0.00
44139 Mobilization of colon $227.42
44140 Partial removal of colon $2,252.67
44141 Partial removal of colon $2,234.04
44143 Partial removal of colon $2,541.75
44144 Partial removal of colon $2,350.81
44145 Partial removal of colon $2,810.18
44146 Partial removal of colon $3,038.06
44147 Partial removal of colon $2,218.00
44150 Removal of colon $2,707.35
44151 Removal of colon/ileostomy $3,018.08
44152 Removal of colon/ileostomy $2,977.07
44153 Removal of colon/ileostomy $3,379.34
44155 Removal of colon/ileostomy $3,096.37
44156 Removal of colon/ileostomy $3,432.51
44160 Removal of colon $2,002.01
44200 Laparoscopy, enterolysis $1,566.07
44201 Laparoscopy, jejunostomy $1,093.27
44202 Lap resect s/intestine singl $2,351.33
44203 Lap resect s/intestine, addl $453.68
44204 Laparo partial colectomy $2,663.93
44205 Lap colectomy part w/ileum $2,361.37
44206 Lap part colectomy w/stoma $2,879.69
44207 L colectomy/coloproctostomy $3,127.09
44208 L colectomy/coloproctostomy $3,390.33
44210 Laparo total proctocolectomy $3,000.84
44211 Laparo total proctocolectomy $3,721.05
44212 Laparo total proctocolectomy $3,472.41
44238 Laparoscope proc, intestine $0.00
44239 Laparoscope proc, rectum $0.00
44300 Open bowel to skin $1,319.89
44310 Ileostomy/jejunostomy $1,699.55
44312 Revision of ileostomy $687.86
44314 Revision of ileostomy $1,617.56
44316 Devise bowel pouch $2,223.03
44320 Colostomy $1,898.64
44322 Colostomy with biopsies $1,540.78
44340 Revision of colostomy $630.71
44345 Revision of colostomy $1,673.80
44346 Revision of colostomy $1,827.74
44360 Small bowel endoscopy $276.35
44361 Small bowel endoscopy/biopsy $303.80
44363 Small bowel endoscopy $364.89
44364 Small bowel endoscopy $391.76
44365 Small bowel endoscopy $349.73
44366 Small bowel endoscopy $459.00
44369 Small bowel endoscopy $467.56
44370 Small bowel endoscopy/stent $503.27
44372 Small bowel endoscopy $460.37
44373 Small bowel endoscopy $368.33
44376 Small bowel endoscopy $544.49
44377 Small bowel endoscopy/biopsy $571.89
44378 Small bowel endoscopy $733.69
44379 S bowel endoscope w/stent $774.57
44380 Small bowel endoscopy $120.39
44382 Small bowel endoscopy $143.36
44383 Ileoscopy w/stent $313.16
44385 Endoscopy of bowel pouch $483.58
44386 Endoscopy, bowel pouch/biop $612.69
44388 Colonoscopy $572.01
44389 Colonoscopy with biopsy $688.11
44390 Colonoscopy for foreign body $759.94
44391 Colonoscopy for bleeding $924.25
44392 Colonoscopy & polypectomy $743.70
44393 Colonoscopy, lesion removal $847.06
44394 Colonoscopy w/snare $874.28
44397 Colonoscopy w/stent $504.46
44500 Intro, gastrointestinal tube $62.06
44602 Suture, small intestine $1,681.78
44603 Suture, small intestine $1,952.07
44604 Suture, large intestine $1,700.99
44605 Repair of bowel lesion $2,102.38
44615 Intestinal stricturoplasty $1,708.33
44620 Repair bowel opening $1,322.11
44625 Repair bowel opening $1,613.37
44626 Repair bowel opening $2,674.86
44640 Repair bowel-skin fistula $2,268.28
44650 Repair bowel fistula $2,359.70
44660 Repair bowel-bladder fistula $2,218.11
44661 Repair bowel-bladder fistula $2,574.07
44680 Surgical revision, intestine $1,651.20
44700 Suspend bowel w/prosthesis $1,712.17
44701 Intraop colon lavage add-on $313.04
44799 Unlisted procedure intestine $0.00
44800 Excision of bowel pouch $1,256.89
44820 Excision of mesentery lesion $1,324.57
44850 Repair of mesentery $1,188.31
44899 Bowel surgery procedure $0.00
44900 Drain app abscess, open $1,116.68
44901 Drain app abscess, percut $335.96
44950 Appendectomy $1,081.83
44955 Appendectomy add-on $114.22
44960 Appendectomy $1,335.31
44970 Laparoscopy, appendectomy $976.49
44979 Laparoscope proc, app $0.00
45000 Drainage of pelvic abscess $557.38
45005 Drainage of rectal abscess $458.59
45020 Drainage of rectal abscess $596.41
45100 Biopsy of rectum $452.32
45108 Removal of anorectal lesion $573.91
45110 Removal of rectum $3,042.11
45111 Partial removal of rectum $1,791.71
45112 Removal of rectum $3,187.64
45113 Partial proctectomy $3,241.62
45114 Partial removal of rectum $2,889.43
45116 Partial removal of rectum $2,609.13
45119 Remove rectum w/reservoir $3,250.71
45120 Removal of rectum $2,629.85
45121 Removal of rectum and colon $2,895.99
45123 Partial proctectomy $1,763.49
45126 Pelvic exenteration $4,835.08
45130 Excision of rectal prolapse $1,740.61
45135 Excision of rectal prolapse $2,084.06
45136 Excise ileoanal reservior $3,010.06
45150 Excision of rectal stricture $646.68
45160 Excision of rectal lesion $1,646.66
45170 Excision of rectal lesion $753.62
45190 Destruction, rectal tumor $1,080.34
45300 Proctosigmoidoscopy dx $131.64
45303 Proctosigmoidoscopy dilate $807.70
45305 Proctosigmoidoscopy w/bx $229.27
45307 Proctosigmoidoscopy fb $282.91
45308 Proctosigmoidoscopy removal $201.03
45309 Proctosigmoidoscopy removal $348.01
45315 Proctosigmoidoscopy removal $305.55
45317 Proctosigmoidoscopy bleed $284.10
45320 Proctosigmoidoscopy ablate $321.75
45321 Proctosigmoidoscopy volvul $134.50
45327 Proctosigmoidoscopy w/stent $175.52
45330 Diagnostic sigmoidoscopy $225.21
45331 Sigmoidoscopy and biopsy $288.97
45332 Sigmoidoscopy w/fb removal $381.87
45333 Sigmoidoscopy & polypectomy $381.87
45334 Sigmoidoscopy for bleeding $291.62
45335 Sigmoidoscopy w/submuc inj $343.56
45337 Sigmoidoscopy & decompress $254.69
45338 Sigmoidoscopy w/tumr remove $522.49
45339 Sigmoidoscopy w/ablate tumr $471.64
45340 Sig w/balloon dilation $381.87
45341 Sigmoidoscopy w/ultrasound $279.49
45342 Sigmoidoscopy w/us guide bx $422.19
45345 Sigmoidoscopy w/stent $306.84
45355 Surgical colonoscopy $369.12
45378 Diagnostic colonoscopy $699.63
45379 Colonoscopy w/fb removal $880.27
45380 Colonoscopy and biopsy $826.15
45381 Colonoscopy, submucous inj $881.90
45382 Colonoscopy/control bleeding $1,104.69
45383 Lesion removal colonoscopy $991.44
45384 Lesion remove colonoscopy $820.77
45385 Lesion removal colonoscopy $936.89
45386 Colonoscopy dilate stricture $1,289.64
45387 Colonoscopy w/stent $616.09
45500 Repair of rectum $814.11
45505 Repair of rectum $852.30
45520 Treatment of rectal prolapse $101.31
45540 Correct rectal prolapse $1,734.11
45541 Correct rectal prolapse $1,448.58
45550 Repair rectum/remove sigmoid $2,420.36
45560 Repair of rectocele $1,171.24
45562 Exploration/repair of rectum $1,680.04
45563 Exploration/repair of rectum $2,556.22
45800 Repair rect/bladder fistula $1,888.06
45805 Repair fistula w/colostomy $2,271.13
45820 Repair rectourethral fistula $1,956.23
45825 Repair fistula w/colostomy $2,307.01
45900 Reduction of rectal prolapse $306.75
45905 Dilation of anal sphincter $276.03
45910 Dilation of rectal narrowing $329.21
45915 Remove rectal obstruction $567.34
45999 Rectum surgery procedure $0.00
46020 Placement of seton $382.79
46030 Removal of rectal marker $152.60
46040 Incision of rectal abscess $586.55
46045 Incision of rectal abscess $539.34
46050 Incision of anal abscess $195.70
46060 Incision of rectal abscess $672.95
46070 Incision of anal septum $343.12
46080 Incision of anal sphincter $342.42
46083 Incise external hemorrhoid $281.47
46200 Removal of anal fissure $517.59
46210 Removal of anal crypt $381.87
46211 Removal of anal crypts $681.80
46220 Removal of anal tag $167.17
46221 Ligation of hemorrhoid(s) $268.67
46230 Removal of anal tags $246.28
46250 Hemorrhoidectomy $642.17
46255 Hemorrhoidectomy $735.80
46257 Remove hemorrhoids & fissure $627.19
46258 Remove hemorrhoids & fistula $681.43
46260 Hemorrhoidectomy $727.49
46261 Remove hemorrhoids & fissure $808.73
46262 Remove hemorrhoids & fistula $851.79
46270 Removal of anal fistula $612.62
46275 Removal of anal fistula $656.41
46280 Removal of anal fistula $694.27
46285 Removal of anal fistula $496.92
46288 Repair anal fistula $812.49
46320 Removal of hemorrhoid clot $272.02
46500 Injection into hemorrhoid(s) $190.27
46600 Diagnostic anoscopy $88.70
46604 Anoscopy and dilation $445.14
46606 Anoscopy and biopsy $210.50
46608 Anoscopy, remove for body $401.44
46610 Anoscopy, remove lesion $343.56
46611 Anoscopy $371.98
46612 Anoscopy, remove lesions $477.35
46614 Anoscopy, control bleeding $312.90
46615 Anoscopy $383.23
46700 Repair of anal stricture $996.27
46705 Repair of anal stricture $802.86
46706 Repr of anal fistula w/glue $271.04
46715 Repair of anovaginal fistula $819.06
46716 Repair of anovaginal fistula $1,727.09
46730 Construction of absent anus $2,907.50
46735 Construction of absent anus $3,442.54
46740 Construction of absent anus $3,229.03
46742 Repair of imperforated anus $3,985.91
46744 Repair of cloacal anomaly $5,475.63
46746 Repair of cloacal anomaly $6,179.73
46748 Repair of cloacal anomaly $6,541.20
46750 Repair of anal sphincter $1,143.51
46751 Repair of anal sphincter $1,065.73
46753 Reconstruction of anus $909.44
46754 Removal of suture from anus $416.26
46760 Repair of anal sphincter $1,601.24
46761 Repair of anal sphincter $1,483.86
46762 Implant artificial sphincter $1,359.91
46900 Destruction, anal lesion(s) $235.11
46910 Destruction, anal lesion(s) $197.54
46916 Cryosurgery, anal lesion(s) $214.49
46917 Laser surgery, anal lesions $466.06
46922 Excision of anal lesion(s) $224.81
46924 Destruction, anal lesion(s) $812.64
46934 Destruction of hemorrhoids $616.93
46935 Destruction of hemorrhoids $255.71
46936 Destruction of hemorrhoids $356.12
46937 Cryotherapy of rectal lesion $267.65
46938 Cryotherapy of rectal lesion $654.24
46940 Treatment of anal fissure $317.46
46942 Treatment of anal fissure $284.85
46945 Ligation of hemorrhoids $388.33
46946 Ligation of hemorrhoids $489.02
46999 Anus surgery procedure $0.00
47000 Needle biopsy of liver $370.10
47001 Needle biopsy, liver add-on $194.18
47010 Open drainage, liver lesion $1,809.45
47011 Percut drain, liver lesion $366.06
47015 Inject/aspirate liver cyst $1,683.00
47100 Wedge biopsy of liver $1,320.80
47120 Partial removal of liver $3,793.85
47122 Extensive removal of liver $5,748.15
47125 Partial removal of liver $5,153.93
47130 Partial removal of liver $5,577.03
47133 Removal of donor liver $8,787.99
47134 Partial removal, donor liver $4,004.78
47135 Transplantation of liver $8,622.80
47136 Transplantation of liver $7,295.15
47140 Partial removal, donor liver $5,539.60
47141 Partial removal, donor liver $6,686.07
47142 Partial removal, donor liver $7,355.13
47300 Surgery for liver lesion $1,666.62
47350 Repair liver wound $2,124.99
47360 Repair liver wound $2,881.35
47361 Repair liver wound $4,925.35
47362 Repair liver wound $2,036.26
47370 Laparo ablate liver tumor rf $2,066.60
47371 Laparo ablate liver cryosurg $2,067.29
47379 Laparoscope procedure, liver $0.00
47380 Open ablate liver tumor rf $2,397.09
47381 Open ablate liver tumor cryo $2,435.15
47382 Percut ablate liver rf $1,599.76
47399 Liver surgery procedure $0.00
47400 Incision of liver duct $3,430.78
47420 Incision of bile duct $2,159.82
47425 Incision of bile duct $2,155.41
47460 Incise bile duct sphincter $1,976.03
47480 Incision of gallbladder $1,252.83
47490 Incision of gallbladder $954.26
47500 Injection for liver x-rays $194.20
47505 Injection for liver x-rays $237.13
47510 Insert catheter, bile duct $943.63
47511 Insert bile duct drain $1,152.58
47525 Change bile duct catheter $630.71
47530 Revise/reinsert bile tube $745.53
47550 Bile duct endoscopy add-on $308.77
47552 Biliary endoscopy thru skin $633.01
47553 Biliary endoscopy thru skin $664.79
47554 Biliary endoscopy thru skin $939.03
47555 Biliary endoscopy thru skin $785.43
47556 Biliary endoscopy thru skin $883.51
47560 Laparoscopy w/cholangio $510.63
47561 Laparo w/cholangio/biopsy $552.94
47562 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy $1,217.52
47563 Laparo cholecystectomy/graph $1,306.45
47564 Laparo cholecystectomy/explr $1,531.80
47570 Laparo cholecystoenterostomy $1,361.80
47579 Laparoscope proc, biliary $0.00
47600 Removal of gallbladder $1,487.45
47605 Removal of gallbladder $1,598.20
47610 Removal of gallbladder $2,019.75
47612 Removal of gallbladder $2,012.97
47620 Removal of gallbladder $2,203.48
47630 Remove bile duct stone $1,028.87
47700 Exploration of bile ducts $1,737.85
47701 Bile duct revision $2,995.08
47711 Excision of bile duct tumor $2,488.63
47712 Excision of bile duct tumor $3,225.43
47715 Excision of bile duct cyst $2,051.99
47716 Fusion of bile duct cyst $1,826.97
47720 Fuse gallbladder & bowel $1,762.27
47721 Fuse upper gi structures $2,087.24
47740 Fuse gallbladder & bowel $2,025.34
47741 Fuse gallbladder & bowel $2,310.48
47760 Fuse bile ducts and bowel $2,770.72
47765 Fuse liver ducts & bowel $2,694.85
47780 Fuse bile ducts and bowel $2,846.44
47785 Fuse bile ducts and bowel $3,331.42
47800 Reconstruction of bile ducts $2,515.68
47801 Placement, bile duct support $1,733.29
47802 Fuse liver duct & intestine $2,355.07
47900 Suture bile duct injury $2,166.83
47999 Bile tract surgery procedure $0.00
48000 Drainage of abdomen $2,944.92
48001 Placement of drain, pancreas $3,682.44
48005 Resect/debride pancreas $4,221.86
48020 Removal of pancreatic stone $1,733.16
48100 Biopsy of pancreas, open $1,345.34
48102 Needle biopsy, pancreas $745.00
48120 Removal of pancreas lesion $1,713.04
48140 Partial removal of pancreas $2,459.51
48145 Partial removal of pancreas $2,565.89
48146 Pancreatectomy $2,901.25
48148 Removal of pancreatic duct $1,887.88
48150 Partial removal of pancreas $5,115.10
48152 Pancreatectomy $4,693.49
48153 Pancreatectomy $5,112.06
48154 Pancreatectomy $4,723.06
48155 Removal of pancreas $2,745.75
48160 Pancreas removal/transplant $0.00
48180 Fuse pancreas and bowel $2,639.17
48400 Injection, intraop add-on $193.79
48500 Surgery of pancreatic cyst $1,704.90
48510 Drain pancreatic pseudocyst $1,630.45
48511 Drain pancreatic pseudocyst $395.34
48520 Fuse pancreas cyst and bowel $1,685.69
48540 Fuse pancreas cyst and bowel $2,107.57
48545 Pancreatorrhaphy $1,976.09
48547 Duodenal exclusion $2,747.18
48550 Donor pancreatectomy $5,731.37
48554 Transpl allograft pancreas $3,876.81
48556 Removal, allograft pancreas $1,805.14
48999 Pancreas surgery procedure $0.00
49000 Exploration of abdomen $1,292.20
49002 Reopening of abdomen $1,174.79
49010 Exploration behind abdomen $1,375.56
49020 Drain abdominal abscess $2,319.58
49021 Drain abdominal abscess $335.28
49040 Drain, open, abdom abscess $1,488.19
49041 Drain, percut, abdom abscess $395.69
49060 Drain, open, retrop abscess $1,729.72
49061 Drain, percut, retroper absc $366.06
49062 Drain to peritoneal cavity $1,270.05
49080 Puncture, peritoneal cavity $294.05
49081 Removal of abdominal fluid $248.01
49085 Remove abdomen foreign body $1,324.20
49180 Biopsy, abdominal mass $361.20
49200 Removal of abdominal lesion $1,151.73
49201 Remove abdom lesion, complex $1,656.18
49215 Excise sacral spine tumor $3,570.46
49220 Multiple surgery, abdomen $1,632.66
49250 Excision of umbilicus $955.53
49255 Removal of omentum $1,266.35
49320 Diag laparo separate proc $582.42
49321 Laparoscopy, biopsy $606.89
49322 Laparoscopy, aspiration $654.41
49323 Laparo drain lymphocele $1,054.71
49329 Laparo proc, abdm/per/oment $0.00
49400 Air injection into abdomen $199.24
49419 Insrt abdom cath for chemotx $763.57
49420 Insert abdom drain, temp $248.37
49421 Insert abdom drain, perm $655.89
49422 Remove perm cannula/catheter $692.37
49423 Exchange drainage catheter $157.90
49424 Assess cyst, contrast inject $88.42
49425 Insert abdomen-venous drain $1,286.60
49426 Revise abdomen-venous shunt $1,088.62
49427 Injection, abdominal shunt $101.57
49428 Ligation of shunt $690.98
49429 Removal of shunt $822.28
49491 Rpr hern preemie reduc $1,224.29
49492 Rpr ing hern premie, blocked $1,529.60
49495 Rpr ing hernia baby, reduc $669.63
49496 Rpr ing hernia baby, blocked $994.57
49500 Rpr ing hernia, init, reduce $644.20
49501 Rpr ing hernia, init blocked $985.82
49505 Prp i/hern init reduc>5 yr $875.80
49507 Prp i/hern init block>5 yr $1,060.75
49520 Rerepair ing hernia, reduce $1,062.13
49521 Rerepair ing hernia, blocked $1,298.74
49525 Repair ing hernia, sliding $954.07
49540 Repair lumbar hernia $1,142.91
49550 Rpr rem hernia, init, reduce $960.96
49553 Rpr fem hernia, init blocked $1,045.53
49555 Rerepair fem hernia, reduce $1,003.56
49557 Rerepair fem hernia, blocked $1,217.55
49560 Rpr ventral hern init, reduc $1,262.68
49561 Rpr ventral hern init, block $1,534.03
49565 Rerepair ventrl hern, reduce $1,267.50
49566 Rerepair ventrl hern, block $1,550.73
49568 Hernia repair w/mesh $500.65
49570 Rpr epigastric hern, reduce $665.04
49572 Rpr epigastric hern, blocked $766.78
49580 Rpr umbil hern, reduc <> 5 yr $717.06
49587 Rpr umbil hern, block > 5 yr $850.78
49590 Repair spigilian hernia $951.83
49600 Repair umbilical lesion $1,234.66
49605 Repair umbilical lesion $6,456.80
49606 Repair umbilical lesion $2,013.54
49610 Repair umbilical lesion $1,176.62
49611 Repair umbilical lesion $1,191.25
49650 Laparo hernia repair initial $716.24
49651 Laparo hernia repair recur $930.79
49659 Laparo proc, hernia repair $0.00
49900 Repair of abdominal wall $1,398.62
49904 Omental flap, extra-abdom $2,638.64
49905 Omental flap, intra-abdom $672.09
49906 Free omental flap, microvasc $6,113.26
49999 Abdomen surgery procedure $0.00

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