Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Base unit reduction in payment - anesthesia billing

Concurrent Medically Directed Procedures

Concurrency is defined with regard to the maximum number of procedures that the physician is medically directing within the context of a single procedure and whether the other procedures overlap each other. 

Concurrency is not dependent on each of the cases involving a Medicare patient. For example, if an anesthesiologist directs three concurrent procedures, two of which involve non-Medicare patients and one Medicare patient, this represents three (3) concurrent cases.

The following example illustrates this concept and guides physicians in determining how many procedures are directed:

Procedures A through E are medically directed procedures involving CRNAs. The starting and ending times for each procedure represent the periods during which anesthesia times are counted.

Procedure A begins at 8:00AM and ends at 8:20AM
Procedure B begins at 8:10AM and ends at 8:45AM
Procedure C begins at 8:30AM and ends at 9:15AM
Procedure D begins at 9:00AM and ends at 12:00 noon
Procedure E begins at 9:10AM and ends at 9:55AM

Procedure   Number of Concurrent Medically Directed Procedures  Base Unit Reduction Percentage
A                                     2                                                                             10%
B                                     2                                                                              10%
C                                     3                                                                              25%
D                                     3                                                                              25%
E                                     3                                                                               25%

A physician who is concurrently directing the administration of anesthesia to not more than four (4) surgical patients cannot ordinarily be involved in rendering additional services to other patients.

However, addressing an emergency of short duration in the immediate area, administering an epidural or caudal anesthetic to ease labor pain, or periodic, rather than continuous monitoring of an obstetrical patient, does not substantially diminish the scope of control exercised by the physician in directing the administration of anesthesia to the surgical patients. 

It does not constitute a separate service for the purpose of determining whether the medical direction criteria are met. Further, while directing concurrent anesthesia procedures, a physician may receive patients entering the operating suite for the next surgery, check or discharge patients in the recovery room, or handle scheduling matters without affecting fee schedule payment.

However, if the physician leaves the immediate area of the operating suite for other than short durations or devotes extensive time to an emergency case or is otherwise not available to respond to the immediate needs of the surgical patients, the physician’s services to the surgical patients are supervisory in nature. No fee schedule payment is made.

The examples listed above are not intended to be an exclusive list of allowed situations. It is expected that the medically-directing anesthesiologist is aware of the nature and type of services he or she is medically directing, and is personally responsible for determining whether his supervisory capacity would be diminished if he or she became involved in the performance of a procedure. It is the responsibility of this medically-directing anesthesiologist to provide services consistent with these regulations.

payment rules for anesthesia billing

Payment Rules

The fee schedule allowance for anesthesia services is based on a calculation that includes the anesthesia base units assigned to each anesthesia code, the anesthesia time involved, and appropriate area conversion factor. The following formulas are used to determine payment:

• Participating Physician not Medically Directing (Modifier AA)
(Base Units + Time Units) x Participating Conversion Factor = Allowance

• Non-Participating Physician not Medically Directing (Modifier AA) (Base Units + Time Units) x Non-Participating Conversion Factor=Allowance

• Participating Physician Medically Directing (Modifier QY, QK)
(Base Units + Time Units) x Participating Conversion Factor = Allowance x 50%

• Non-Participating Physician Medically Directing (Modifier QY, QK) (Base Units + Time Units) x Non-Participating Conversion Factor = Allowance x 50%

• Non-Medically Directed CRNA (Modifier QZ) (Base Units + Time Units) x Participating Conversion Factor = Allowance

• CRNA Medically Directed (Modifier QX) (Base Units + Time Units) x Participating Conversion Factor = Allowance x 50%

PAYMENT AND REIMBURSEMENT for anesthesia billing


Payment at Personally Performed Rate

The fee schedule payment for a personally performed procedure is based on the full base unit and one time unit per 15 minutes of service if the physician personally performed the entire procedure. Modifier AA is appropriate when services are personally performed.

Payment at Medically Directed Rate

When the physician is medically directing a qualified anesthetist (CRNA, Anesthesiologist Assistant) in a single anesthesia case or a physician is medically directing 2, 3, or 4 concurrent procedures, the payment amount for each is 50% of the allowance otherwise recognized had the service been performed by the physician alone.

These services are to be billed as follows:

1. The physician should bill using modifier QY, medical direction of one CRNA by a physician or QK, medical direction of 2, 3, or 4 concurrent procedures.

2. The CRNA/Anesthesiologist Assistant should bill using modifier QX, CRNA service with medical direction by a physician.

Payment at Non-Medically Directed Rate

In unusual circumstances, when it is medically necessary for both the anesthesiologist and the CRNA/Anesthesiologist Assistant to be completely and fully involved during a procedure, full payment for the services of each provider are allowed. Documentation must be submitted by each provider to support payment of the full fee.

These services are to be billed as follows:

1. The physician should bill using modifier AA, anesthesia services personally performed by anesthesiologist, and modifier 22, with attached supporting documentation.

2. The CRNA/Anesthesiologist Assistant should bill using modifier QZ, CRNA/Anesthesiologist Assistant services; without medical direction by a physician, and modifier 22, with attached supporting documentation.

Payment at Medically Supervised Rate

Only three (3) base units per procedure are allowed when the anesthesiologist is involved in rendering more than four (4) procedures concurrently or is performing other services while directing the concurrent procedures. 

An additional time unit can be recognized if the physician can document he/she was present at induction. Modifier AD is appropriate when services are medically supervised.

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