ICD-9 CM Diagnosis Codes that Support Medical Necessity
It is not enough to link the procedure code to a correct, payable ICD-9-CM diagnosis code. The diagnosis or clinical suspicion must be present for the procedure to be paid. Below are diagnosis codes that support medical necessity.
ICD-9 Code ICD-9 Description
290.11-290.13 Presenile dementia
290.20-290.21 Senile dementia with delusional or depressive features
290.3 Senile dementia with delirium
290.40-290.43 Arteriosclerotic dementia
290.8 Other specified senile psychotic conditions
290.9 Unspecified senile psychotic condition
291.0-291.5 Alcoholic psychoses
291.81-291.89 Other specified alcoholic psychosis
291.9 Unspecified alcoholic psychosis
292.0 Drug withdrawal syndrome
292.11-292.12 Paranoid and/or hallucinatory states induced by drugs
292.2 Pathological drug intoxication
292.81-292.89 Other specified drug-induced mental disorders
292.9 Unspecified drug-induced mental disorder
293.0 Acute delirium
ICD-9 CM Diagnosis Codes that Support Medical Necessity
It is not enough to link the procedure code to a correct, payable ICD-9-CM diagnosis code. The diagnosis or clinical suspicion must be present for the procedure to be paid. Below are diagnosis codes that support medical necessity.
ICD-9 Code ICD-9 Description
290.11-290.13 Presenile dementia
290.20-290.21 Senile dementia with delusional or depressive features
290.3 Senile dementia with delirium
290.40-290.43 Arteriosclerotic dementia
290.8 Other specified senile psychotic conditions
290.9 Unspecified senile psychotic condition
291.0-291.5 Alcoholic psychoses
291.81-291.89 Other specified alcoholic psychosis
291.9 Unspecified alcoholic psychosis
292.0 Drug withdrawal syndrome
292.11-292.12 Paranoid and/or hallucinatory states induced by drugs
292.2 Pathological drug intoxication
292.81-292.89 Other specified drug-induced mental disorders
292.9 Unspecified drug-induced mental disorder
293.0 Acute delirium
293.1 Subacute delirium
293.81-293.89 Other specified transient organic mental disorders
293.9 Unspecified transient organic mental disorder
294.0-294.9 Other organic psychotic conditions (chronic)
303.00-303.02 Acute alcoholic intoxication
303.90-303.92 Other and unspecified alcohol dependence
304.00-304.05 Opiod type dependence
304.10-304.12 Barbiturate and similarly acting sedative or hypnotic dependence
304.20-304.22 Cocaine dependence
304.30-304.32 Cannabis dependence
304.40-304.42 Amphetamine and other psychostimulant dependence
304.50-304.52 Hallucinogen dependence
304.60-304.62 Other specified drug dependence
304.70-304.72 Combinations of Opoid type drug with any other
304.80-304.82 Combinations of drug dependence excluding Opoid type drug
304.90-304.92 Unspecified drug dependence
305.00-305.02 Alcohol abuse
305.20-305.22 Cannabis abuse
305.70-305.72 Amphetamine or related acting sympathomimetic abuse
410.00-410.92 Acute myocardial infarction
411.1 Unstable angina
427.1 Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
427.41 Ventricular fibrillation
427.42 Ventricular flutter
428.1 Uncompensated congestive heart failure
456.0 Esphageal varices with bleeding
456.20 Esophageal varices with bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere
518.4 Acute edema of lung, unspecified
518.5 Pulmonary insufficiency following trauma and surgery
518.81 Respiratory failure
518.82 Other pulmonary insufficiency, not elsewhere classified
530.7 Gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome
530.82 Esophageal hemorrhage
531.00-531.01 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage
531.20-531.21 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation
531.40-531.41 Chronic or unspecified gastric ulcer with hemorrhage
532.00-532.01 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage
532.20-532.21 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation
532.40-532.41 Chronic duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage
532.60-532.61 Chronic or unspecified duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation
533.00-533.01 Acute peptic ulcer with hemorrhage, site unspecified
533.20-533.21 Acute peptic ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation, site unspecified
533.40-533.41 Chronic peptic ulcer with hemorrhage, site unspecified
533.60-533.61 Chronic or unspecified peptic ulcer with hemorrhage and perforation, site unspecified
Reasons for Denial
Services with diagnoses other than those listed above and services where the submitted diagnosis is not an active medical problem which would impede the safe performance of the procedure will be considered not medically necessary or reasonable.
Non-Covered ICD-9-CM Codes
Use of any ICD-9-CM diagnosis code not included in the "ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes that Support Medical Necessity" section of this policy will be cause for denial of claims.
The diagnosis code (ICD-9-CM) should indicate the co-existing
medical condition requiring the presence of the anesthesiologist/anesthetist,
rather than the gastrointestinal condition for which the endoscopy was done.
For those requiring the presence of an
anesthesiologist/anesthetist because of massive upper gastrointestinal
bleeding, use the appropriate ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for gastrointestinal
When upper and lower endoscopy procedures are performed at
the same setting, and a physician other than the performing surgeon administers
anesthesia for both procedures, he/she should bill the base charge only once
plus the time for both procedures
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